Parenting Skills That Contribute To Children’s Mental Health

Parents are the first individuals that many children need once they are born. The character and personality that children will have when their development are pretty much built on the foundation made by their parents. They are the most important source of care, love, and guidance. They are the ones that help shape children to whatever they become later in life. But parenting is not an easy task. It is an entirely complicated endeavor that comes with a huge responsibility. It does not represent parents’ success or failure but rather defines their overall emotional and mental health development. Of course, no parents carry perfect responsibility, and they all strive to handle parenting efficiently. With that, it is vital that parents understand the need to do things differently for their children. Let’s check out what some of these things are.

How parents secure kids' mental wellness? A picture of a family in the beach holding hands together.


Parents Get Along With Each Other – One of the best parenting assets is when both mother and father work together to provide their children with care, love, attention, and consideration. They both must get along because the way they interact with each other can make a huge difference. It contributes to the child’s developmental growth as they become well-adjusted to a happy and compromising environment. That is regardless if the parents are together or separated. When there is less parental conflict, it allows the children to develop a sense of emotional and mental health stability, which is good for overall children’s mental health development. Good parents know that whatever happens between them, their children should never have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Thus, they need to figure out a way to treat each other nicely.

A family bonding moment


Parents Spend Quality Time With The Children – It is no brainer that parents should spend quality time with their children to improve their overall wellness. But they should also note that children’s have different qualities and their needs vary. Some may need less quality time, but it does not mean the children will not benefit from it. The truth is, whether parents play with the chidlren, cook with them, watch a movie together, or do household chores, it all contributes to the kids’ physical, emotional, and mental health development. It will still become a better way to show kids that parents care and love them despite the random changes in daily responsibilities. As long as parents find a way to interact with their chidlren even for a couple of hours, it will all be worth it.


Parents Show Physical Affection – One of the misconceptions of parenting is that most parents believe that physical health affection is too much. That explains why some do not entirely consider getting affectionate with children as they thought it would cause them to become dependent. However, countless studies show that for children to develop a great sense of self-worth, they need warmth and affection from their parents. Children feel safe when their family constantly touch or hug them as it represents care and love. Aside from that, with parents constantly show affection, children become less aggressive and anti-social. It helps them regulate behavioral health problems too and deal with early childhood mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


Parents Listen And Try To Understand – It is not always that parents understand their chidlrens’ every behavior and a  child counseling mental expert would agree with that. Mostly, they spend a lot of time talking, scolding, and preaching without understanding the children’s response. That is why parents must listen to their children. They should try and understand their social skills and every action to determine what makes them sad, anxious, stressed, and lonely. Parents should use the opportunity to connect with the children whenever they feel hurt and unmotivated. That way, they can walk the chidlren through the process of emotional and mental disorder recovery. Regardless of how old their chidlren are, parents should ensure to take time to listen to their children to understand children’s mental health developmental disabilities or disorders, fears, thoughts, life concerns, and overall mental health care.


Parents Guide And Support – According to most experts of the centers for disease control, it is entirely understandable the parents desire success for their children. It somehow validates their pushy, demanding, and bribing attitude towards their children. However, the method of convincing children to excel at school academics, practice sports, learn new instruments, assess disruptive behaviors and so on, should never have to be an exhausting process. Parents must understand that guidance and support mean a lot rather than the achievement itself. Parents must realize that a gentle mental health development approach is always a better way to encourage children to do their best while dealing with risk factors. And even if the chidlren fail, parents must ensure that things are still okay and that the children still have the option to try again.

Parents will always find it hard to become the best. One way or another, their words of encouragement, honest responses, and reminders will not be enough to sustain the emotional and mental health development of children. But as long as they commit to their roles and responsibilities, they can ensure the children’s overall wellbeing and keep them mentally healthy. As long as they understand the need for emotional and mental stability, imperfect parenting can still go a long way. If it is still a problem, it would be best to seek mental treatment options to improve access to children’s mental health care and prevention. One can check from center for disease contol and prevention to understand more about the mental health problems.