What Love Language Does Your Child Speak?

Know And Meet Your Children’s Love Needs

Are you meeting your child’s love needs? Are you reaching out to him in the love language he speaks?

Source: s-i.huffpost.com

Kids vary in how they show and want affection from you. If you haven’t noticed this, try observing them. One might incessantly talk to you, asking you amillion questions that just don’t fail to make you go crazy. One seems to be ungrateful, failing to thank you for every gift you give him while another one gushes over anything, even a small piece of candy, you give her. Still, you might have a child who loves gifting you with drawings and cards that he made.

Why is it essential to meet your children’s brands of love? A loving relationship stems up from understanding and being able to meet your kid’s love needs.When you know child’s love language and communicate your affection with him that way, it positively impacts the relationship you have with him and creates a stronger bond between the two of you.


Below are the five most common languages kids speak (based on the book written by the doctors Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell).

Children, from the millennial generation to the current one, typically know that their parents have their backs. They grow up with a sense of security, knowing a framework is around them. — Vicki Botnick, MA, MS, LMFT

Cuddlers: The Physical Touch Seekers

The cuddler is someone who wants to have a physical connection with you every time. If your child continually cuddles up with you, hugs and kisses you, and seems always to want to hold your hands on outings or when going outside, then he is a physical touch seeker.

Physical touches and affirmations are what make a cuddler’s love tank full, so be ready to dole physical expressions of your love to him – pats on his back, hugs,and kisses, and even allowing him to sit on your lap while you read him a story before going to sleep.


Givers: Kids Who Love Giving And Receiving Gifts

Source: howtousevinevera.com

A giver is easy to spot. If your kid loves wrapping things up and giving them to you, gushes over gifts – no matter how simple these are – you give them, and take special care of the gifts they’ve been given, then you have a giver.

Sadly, givers equate lack of gifts as lack of love, too, especially during special occasions. So, you have to dole out giftsnow and then to communicate your affection to your giving kid. Nevertheless, these don’t have to be expensive. Baking cookies for them or buying them small, inexpensive trinkets, or even a few hugs and kisses will do the trick.


Servers: Children Who Love Serving To Communicate Their Love

Servers are the most helpful kids everywhere. He’s the one who stays behind to arrange chairs and books after the class is done. Helping others is his love language. If your child does his chores without being asked or incessantly follows you around and ask to help, you have a server in your hands.

In return, show your love by helping them with anything like their school works or spending time with them perfecting their free throws in your backyard hoop.

Good enough parents understand that nature has created children to be quite resilient. We would not have survived as a species if that were not true. — Peter Gray Ph.D.

Seekers Of Quality Time: Kids Who Love Spending Time With You

Source: pinkandbluemag.com

Quality time seekers are, apparently, the kids who want your undivided attention for a particular span of time. They want you to spend time with them. As toddlers, they might want you to spend time with them by playing their games of make-believe or asking you to read them a story before bedtime. Grown-up quality time seekers might want to talk and have a conversation with you.

To reach out to your quality time seeker, spend time and connect with him without any distractions from gadgets and even other siblings now and then.


Praise Seekers: Kids Who Thrive In Positive Verbal Affirmations

Speak your praise-seeking child’s love language by positively affirming the efforts he puts in a specific activity or task. He thrives on praise words like “That’s great, keep it up!” and loves to hear caring words like “That’s okay, I’m here” or “I care about you” when he’s down.

Praise seekers tend to be perfectionists in what they do so, keep these things in mind – don’t reprimand him in front of people; admonish him in private.

What children learn about attachment, love, and relationship in their home they take with them for the rest of their lives. — Samantha Smithstein Psy.D.

Are you able to identify your child’s primary love language through the descriptions written above? If so, let your children know you love them in a language they understand.