Best Nutrition Apps For Kids

The 2019 Child Health Event is an advocate for improving child health in every part of the world. With this, they emphasized the importance of parents in promoting proper nutrition. One of the best ways to do so is to take advantage of the digital world, mainly through apps. With this in mind, here are the top nutrition apps that you can use to promote a more nutritious lifestyle.

Healthy Heroes: Nutrition For Kids

The storyline of Healthy Heroes revolved around saving Yogopolis city from the invasion of Hungry Monsters. To fend off these monsters, the citizens must eat fruits and vegetables to keep themselves healthy. This fun game does not only guide kids into recognizing healthy food, but it also promotes healthy eating habits.

Smash Your Food

What better way to engage and let your child participate than tapping to their basic instinct of smashing? Aside from this, what’s unique about this app is that it teaches children how to read nutrition labels. It encourages them to make informed decisions through this knowledge and eliminate all of these unhealthy items by smashing it.


Lastly, it also emphasizes the adverse effects of excessive oils, salts, and sugars. Therefore, they should destroy this, as well.

Eat and Move-O-Matic

Eat and Move-O-Matic introduces the concept of calories. It compares the number of calories that an individual eats and the activities required to consume that energy. This app also suggests health alternatives to replace the high-calorie meals and snacks that children love.

Nicholas’ Garden

Nicholas’ Garden is probably one of the most interactive apps out there. Aside from teaching children regarding essential nutrition, it also gives them an idea of how to cook, process, and shop for food. The creators of the app believe that healthy choices do not only happen in front of the table. Instead, they should also make informed decisions outside the four corners of their houses.



Nutrition always correlates with food. However, another factor that you should also tap as a parent is exercise and physical activity. FitnessKids animates more than 20 various workouts – from wheelbarrow challenges to sports day classes. What’s also excellent about this is that you have the option to pay solo or in “joust” mode with siblings and friends.

Keeping Your Kids Safe From COVID-19

As COVID-19 spreads worldwide and wreaks havoc, everyone must play their part in preventing transmission. Even children need to do their part, given that they may unknowingly spread the novel coronavirus to other people. However, families also need to pay attention to the children’s needs as authorities impose lockdowns and social distancing measures. The overall wellbeing of children is at stake here. However, following these guidelines should help children cope and adjust in these trying times.

Learn How COVID-19 Manifests In Children

Unlike many other diseases, COVID-19 seems to affect children less. Young people who catch the infection usually only have mild symptoms. Cold-like symptoms, such as coughing and fever, typically appear. However, some children can have the virus in their body but display no signs.

Research is still ongoing as to how COVID-19 impacts children. However, everyone is vulnerable to the severe complications of COVID-19, such as pneumonia. Hence, all people should find ways to reduce their risk of contracting this disease.

Since children may display weak, non-specific symptoms, they may easily carry the infection to others. Hence, you should prioritize exposing children to other people who might be infected. It would be best to keep everyone indoors to avoid unnecessary contact. Children should also minimize contact with vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and the immunocompromised.


Address Any Anxieties

Aside from physical wellbeing, mental health also becomes an issue during pandemics and other crises. The overall pessimism and uncertainty can stress many people, adding to the fear of eventually catching the disease. Children are also prone to mental stress, especially if they don’t have adequate knowledge about the current situation.

In this situation, knowledge is the solution. Find the time to address any concerns that your children may hold. Make sure that they know the basics of the situation, such as what COVID-19 is and why people need to stop its spread.

When answering their questions, make sure to explain your answers in terms that they can understand. However, avoid sugar coating or misleading them about the gravity of the situation. Always emphasize that you will always be there to protect and support them to the best of your ability.

Empower Your Children

Regular hand washing and cleaning of items are effective ways to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. Note that the virus can live for hours outside the body, so disinfecting procedures are essential.

Aside from directly reducing the risk of disease transmission, hygiene habits have another effect on mental health. It gives children actionable steps that they can take to help in the fight against COVID-19. Through simple actions such as handwashing, kids can actively participate. Jill Cioffi, MD, FAAP, from Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University, suggests having more family time. She says, “It’ll make them less anxious. It’ll help direct their time. It’ll strengthen their relationship with their parents. I think there’s a whole vast amount of knowledge that individual parents have that they could share with their kids because this would be the perfect opportunity to do that.” These steps empower them and help them realize that they can leave an impact through their contributions. In turn, empowerment lifts their mood and keeps them hopeful for the future.


Keep Active

Exercise is a potent activity that can improve both physical and mental wellbeing. Cardiovascular exercises, such as jogging, strengthens the body overall and helps boost the immune system.

Any sustained activity that can raise your heart rate can count as exercise. There are many apps, videos, and programs that tailor specifically to indoor exercising, so take advantage of them. Make exercise sessions bonding time for you and your children through fun activities such as doing dance covers.


Maintain Social Connections

As social beings, people naturally crave a certain amount of interaction with others. Children are no exception, especially since they tend to meet friends as they play with others. Children who have to stay home might start to miss their friends, which can bring in a sense of sadness and dread.

While digital communication can never match real-life interaction, you should still use appropriate technologies to help you and your kids stay in touch with friends. Consider teleconferencing software so that your children can speak and see their friends. Other communication methods, such as text messaging, may work. Choose tools that you and your children prefer, and never force interactions; let them proceed as they please.

The social distancing measures are tough for everyone, especially for children. You can help them cope by paying attention to their physical and mental wellbeing. With these tips, you’ll keep them happy and safe.

Parenting Hacks For Sleep-Deprived Parents

The 2017 Child Health-Related Conference answered one of the top questions that most first-time parents ask: “How do we survive sleep deprivation?” If that’s something that you want to know the answer to, read on. We listed some parenting hacks that you can use on your next night-shift. 

Hack # 1: Shift Sleeping



Parenting is just like your day job – you’re always on call when your boss (in this case, your baby) needs you. But always remember that you have workmates that can lighten up your load, and in this scenario, it’s your partner. Draft a schedule where you’ll indicate the time slots that you are in charge of the baby. This way, you’ll still get to plan your day – especially your sleep. 

Hack # 2: Undergo Naps

If you don’t undergo naps, especially if you’re sleep-deprived, then you should be. Take note that a nap as little as five minutes is still a big help. Believe it or not, the amount of brain boost that you get from a rest outweighs the effects of caffeine from your daily coffee.



Just a reminder, however, that science reveals that there is an optimal length for a nap. If you do a 25 minute or less one, you’ll most likely gain a boost in focus and energy. But if you nap between 25 minutes to 80 minutes, there is a big possibility that you’ll wake up tired. If this is the case, then it’s better to go for a full sleep cycle of 90 minutes. 

Hack # 3: Establish A Bedtime Routine



Applying a consistent bedtime routine will relax your body more before going to sleep. Here are some tips that you can include here: 

  • Put your smartphone away hours before closing your eyes. It also includes computers, laptops, tablets, and even televisions. The blue light you receive from these devices only confuses your body by interpreting it as sunshine, therefore, instructing your body to wake up. 
  • You may also change the temperature in your room between 68 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. According to studies, sweating and feeling warm at night will only disrupt your sleep. 
  • Do not drink coffee, wine, or any alcohol at least two hours before bedtime. These kinds of drinks will only hinder you from attaining that deep restorative sleep. 

Psychiatry 101: Everything To Learn About Cognitive Dysfunction In Kids With Lupus 

When parents say, “I wish I can take my child’s pain,” you better believe it. Seeing your offspring go through the ordeal of having a disease is the worst thing on the planet. And it is ten times more heartbreaking when the illness is chronic like lupus since various factors can activate its symptoms 24/7. 




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Easy Tips To Raise Responsible And Mentally Strong Kids

Most kids nowadays grow up spoiled by their parents. Experts say that this will become a problem in the future. These kids have a higher chance of being dependent, even if they are already adults. Worse, they would not know how to handle their emotions when they go out into the real world.

We get onto the parenthood road thinking it will be exactly like our idyllic own childhood—or nothing like it, if ours was rocky—while integrating our presently held values. — Liz Matheis Ph.D.

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How You Can Help Your Kids Fight Cavities


While many people are able to visit the dentist and have dental work performed without experiencing much distress, a number of dental clients find themselves worrying over procedures, and a percentage of these experience intense fear and anxiety surrounding such an event, a reaction that is sometimes responsible for preventing or halting treatment. — John Smith Ph.D.

Did you know that tooth decay is the leading chronic disease not only among kids but also among adults? Although genes can make you more prone to cavities, your lifestyle and oral habits play a more significant role. Continue reading

Hacks In Parenting Children With ADHD


Having and raising a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) requires extra effort. It’s not your usual childrearing where you can leave them in their cribs and let them be while you do household chores. The earlier you master your approach, the higher the chances of your child having a healthier lifestyle.

Most kids with ADHD are expected to have deficits in their executive function. It entails that they have difficulty in thinking and planning, controlling impulses, completing tasks, and organizing. As a parent, you need to focus and provide extra guidance in these areas so that they can acquire these skills in their capacity.

Although various challenges come with raising kids with this disability, there will always be parenting hacks that you can rely on. Here are some of them.

Awareness is often the first step, and greater awareness may be necessary before action can happen. — Ben Ringler, MFT

Define Rules But Allow Some Leeway For Your Child

You should clearly define the rules around your household. Reward good behaviors and discourage unwanted ones consistently. However, you should also take into account their ADHD-related problems and provide some leeway in handling them. Take note that they are fully capable of adapting to change and allow them to learn from their mistakes.


Don’t Dwell On The Small Stuff Too Much

If your kid forgot to do one of their chores, don’t make a big deal out of it. They might have done three more chores plus their school homework. That’s already a feat for somebody who has this disability. Stop being a perfectionist because you will never be satisfied with their performance. It will only be detrimental to both you and your child.

Always Stay Calm

Many psychologists emphasize the power of staying calm. If you’re out of control in terms of emotions and words, the child’s anger will also escalate. Being in this two-way battle will result in a non-productive discussion and outcome. These situations will also delay the tasks even longer. Always remember to diffuse instead of disengage.

Misalignment in any parenting relationship can be downright ugly—but when a child with special needs is involved, it’s even more critical that parents align themselves effectively to ensure the child is getting the care and support they need. — Liz Matheis Ph.D.

Employ Self-Care

Take note that you are your child’s role model and source of strength. Therefore, you need to be on his or her side every step of the way. You can only do this if you take care of yourself and engage in a healthy lifestyle. You can employ self-care by doing the following:

  • Ask for support. Do not think that you are all alone in this challenge. Some people are willing to lend a hand every time you are feeling down. These include your family members, your child’s doctor, therapists, support groups, and other friends.
  • Have a healthy lifestyle. Make sure to eat right, regulate sleep patterns, exercise regularly, and meditate. If you’re not feeling well, acknowledge it, and get help.
  • Take breaks. Don’t be guilty of leaving your child to another person for a day. It is an effective way to have time for yourself and take sanity breaks.


There are a lot of psychological, medical, or sociological practices to address ADHD. But you still have to keep all of these in mind as a parent. Being in this situation requires a lot of planning. Rest assured that everything will be fulfilling and pleasurable in the end.

Honestly, one of the best ways to be a “good parent” is to simply love your children unconditionally. — R. Y. Langham, Ph.D.